How to Attract High Paying Clients so You Don’t Have to Work Weekends and Evenings.
Whether you’re just starting your new business or are already an owner of one, being able to attract your ideal clientele and create boundaries in your business that works for your own life is valuable. For a lot of Lash technicians, working weekends and evenings are a part of being in the industry, but it doesn’t have to be this way – you just need to work smarter not harder.
While attracting high clientele doesn’t just happen, a few changes to the building blocks of your business strategy can draw in these clients and give you the weekend beach trip you’ve been longing for.
Understanding your ideal clientele
First, you need to take a look at the kind of customers that you want at your business. If you want customers who will come in during weekdays you don’t want someone who works a 9-5 job. Customers who work in retail, nurses, other beauty technicians are only a few who have the schedule to come in during the week.
Stop offering weekend and evening appointments
If you are ever going to start working the hours you want, you need to stop offering appointments that are unsuitable for you. This may seem like a simple step but for those who are worried about backlash, this can be a hard action to take. You may get complaints from customers about the change in schedule, but you need to remember that you are in control of your own business and what is better for your client isn’t necessarily better for you.
Change the price of your services
You can’t guarantee high paying clients if you don’t have high prices. If you are offering cheap prices, you will probably seem like a cheap business and therefore get cheap customers. Cheap doesn’t automatically mean bad, but you would rather a $50-dollar foundation than a $5 one, so why aren’t you doing the same with your business?
Which brings me to my 4th and most important point:
Show why you’re worth it
The clientele won’t spend the money you need if they are not seeing the results you can offer. You need to demonstrate why you are better than companies who charge less by providing exceptional service. That’s not all you can do though; social media can be an effective tool to demonstrate your skills and business savvy. The way that you market your brand can also be effective in attracting customers – a customer is more likely to pick a store that is aesthetically pleasing over one that, although may do a great job, doesn’t look pretty.
Provide results. If you can give them the best-looking lashes, you can guarantee they will come back and continue paying the higher prices. Not to mention that high paying clients have high paying friends so giving great results with the only result in greater clientele.
Follow these steps and you will be on your way to a higher paying clientele, free weekends and evenings and a less of a stress business!